Legal Considerations to Gardeners in a Community Scheme

If you are part of the management of a Community Scheme, the legal considerations when employing workers are of utmost importance. Your scheme could incur exorbitant debt if you have not crossed your t’s and dotted your i’s. Employing a gardener in your community scheme is one of the most common areas of consideration. We […]
Why are owners responsible for the maintenance of their Exclusive-Use Garden in a Sectional Title Complex?

There are a lot of misconceptions about life in a sectional title complex, and misconceptions generally lead to conflict. One of these burning questions within sectional title complexes is why an owner is responsible for cleaning and maintaining his private exclusive-use garden if he is already paying for garden service as part of his monthly […]
Trustees and the AGM Budget

How important is it for Trustees of a Sectional Title Complex in South Africa to stay within the Budget as agreed upon in the Annual General Meeting? Trustees in South Africa’s Sectional Title Schemes play a crucial role in managing the financial and operational aspects of their complex. One of the duties of trustees is […]
Using Neuro Linguistic Programming in Property Conflict Management

Ronald Reagon once said: “Peace is not the absence of conflict. It is the ability to handle conflict by a peaceful means.” Conflict between people living together is as old as man itself. Not even Adam & Eve could live peacefully with the snake, so how do we expect to live in a shared property […]
7 Biggest Property Investment Challenges

“More money has been made in real estate, than in all industrial investments combined.” These are the wise words of Andrew Carnegie, and very few people can challenge this statement. Over time, investing in property is one of the best decisions you can make. Property investments are undoubtedly a proven pathway to wealth but there […]
Why is my managing agent not doing what they are supposed to do?

Managing Agent vs Executive Management Agent It is not uncommon for owners in a Sectional Title complex to feel disgruntled when it comes to what they are expecting from their managing agent. The sad part is that most owners do not make the effort to study the Sectional Titles Act, nor the Sectional Titles Schemes […]
The Duties and Responsibilities of Trustees in a Sectional Title Scheme

If you do not know what the duties and responsibilities of a Trustee in a Sectional Title Scheme are, you do not have to hide in the cupboard with shame. At Camalb Properties, we find that it is not uncommon for people who buy into a Sectional Title Scheme to have no idea what their […]
Property Management: To outsource or not?

The Hidden Cost of not Outsourcing your Property Management Managing risk, and ensuring your property is developed to a strict time schedule while balancing tight finances, are all within the skillset required of the average property developer in South Africa. You battle the odds on a constant basis. You reach the finish line. Only to […]
The Bare Basics of Sectional Title Management

Sectional Title Management can be really tricky. Especially if you have a day job and are only involved in the management of your complex because you are one of those amazing souls that believe it is important to pull your weight and not leave the management of the complex to someone else who can’t say […]